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Saturday, May 16, 2015

“The Adventure Into The Dark Forest” - PART THREE -

                              The Adventure Into The Dark Forest”

                                                       - PART THREE -
The walls started to wave and the light from our flashlights made the walls look really shiny gray. Eddy and Danny were standing close to me. Really close... It's really dark and I hate saying it, but I'm a little scared. It’s pretty creepy in there after fighting those spiders! When I was walking, the dirt and rock started to feel mushy under my paws and it kinda smelled. The more that we walked, the more it smelled. Danny asked, “Can we just go back please..?” I replied, “No, I want to see what's at the end of this cave!” He looked at me with a worried face. Eddy started to walk faster and said, “Do y'all see that???” I replied, “See what? I don't see anything. All I see is rock and dirt.” Me and Danny looked at Eddy. Eddy was looking at the wall. He walked toward the wall and went though the wall! Me and Danny ran after Eddy, but we hit the wall. I got up and looked at Danny. Danny screamed, “ WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM!?” I replied, “I don't know!” Danny put his paw on the wall and I said, “How did he go though the wall??” I thought about it and said, “ Danny, if you see something, don't go it's a trap. The monster is trying to trick you! Poor Eddy I hope it didn’t do any thing to him....” Danny stayed close to my side. When we walked through a small cavern it turned into a big room. The room lit up and we saw Eddy in a small jail made of black rock! We ran to the jail and Eddy looked... de.... dea... DEAD! He looked gray. A big growl and roar echoed behind us!! I turned around and it was a big dragon monster. I’ve never seen anything like it! He was all red except for the black spikes on his back. His eyes looked like a cats and they were red and yellow like fire! Danny was shaking and I was thinking of what I should do. The big dragon let out a big roar that was so loud it made the room shake! I walked a couple of steps and barked as loud as I could. My eyes turned bright green. At the corner of my eye I saw Eddy trying to stand up! Danny turned into ElementWolf. Danny stepped up beside me and let out a big growl. The big Dragon took to big steps. I howled for attack! I ran toward the dragon and ran under him and saw... a crystal on his neck. I yelled to Danny, “ THERE'S A CRYSTAL ON IT'S NECK!” Danny was face to face with the beast! I ran over and tried to grab the crystal, but I couldn't. The dragon looked at me and grabbed me with its big scaly hands! I tried to bite the dragon but I couldn't. It's scales were too tough to bite...It was crushing me with it's sharp claws. It thew me at the wall. When I looked over, Eddy was still trying to get up. I got up slowly. I shook my head and ran toward the beast which was about to grab Danny. My eyes grew bright green, my claws and teeth grew as well. I put my head down and jumped on his back and ran up his neck. The big dragon had Danny with both claws. I clawed his eyes, he let out a big roar of pain. I jumped down and tried to pull the crystal out of his scaly neck. I pulled and pulled then the crystal finally came out. I fell on to the hard hard ground. It knocked the breath out of me. The dragon fell as well, almost on top of me and Danny. I ran to Eddy who was trying to use his powers but all of his powers were in the big greenish blue crystal. Danny melted the side of the cage with his fire power. Eddy stepped and said, “What happened??” Danny replied, “Well, the dragon must have tempted you with something that made you walk through that wall, and he took your power and used it to battle us. Look at yourself, your gray!” Eddy looked at himself and said, “Whoa, weird. I feel weird to.. like really tired. What I saw was lights flashing in a little ball.” I put the crystal in his paw and said, “Hold it to your heart hopefully your power will go back into you.” He did so and the crystal grew bright and we saw weird lights come out of it. Then Eddy wasn't gray any more! He was brown and black again! We made our way out of that creepy cave. When we got out of that cave we looked horrible. We were covered with mud and nasty stuff. The legend was true about the monster.
             That’s it and I hope you liked it!! ►


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